This estate, which is located in Cérons, was acquired by
Michel Boyer in 1972. It is
35 kms (22 miles) south of
Bordeaux on the left bank
of the Garonne. It produces wines in the White, Red and Sweet White appellations.
This estate, which is located in Cérons, was acquired by Michel Boyer in 1972. It is 35 kms (22 miles) south of Bordeaux on the left bank of the Garonne. It produces wines in the White, Red and Sweet White appellations.
The ground of this vineyard
is made up of round,
smooth pebbles polished bytime, which regulate the
temperature immediately
surrounding the vines and
contribute an unparalleled mineral feel to the wines
that grow here.
The ground of this vineyard is made up of
round, smooth pebbles polished by time,
which regulate the temperature immediately surrounding the vines and contribute an
unparalleled mineral feel to the wines that
grow here.